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  2. Coccine Shampoo for cleaning stains from Suede and Nubuck

Coccine Shampoo for cleaning stains from Suede and Nubuck

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  • Coccine Shampoo for cleaning stains from Suede and Nubuck
Při koupi získáte 6 Kč zpět
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Výrobce: Kesi
Cena nyní
159 Kč
69 Kč, dnes ušetříte: -90 Kč
SklademU Vás do 6.5.
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Suede and nubuck need special care, because they absorb moisture easily, they are susceptible to staining, dusting and color fading. Properly selected preparations for shoes made of suede and nubuck, we will be able to enjoy their comfort and vivid colors for a long time.

- designed for all types of leather
-clean, especially recommended for removing dirt from suede and nubuck
- it removes difficult spots
- reduces the absorption of water
- a capacity of 75ml, enough for multiple application!
After use, it is recommended to use the product Cocciné, appropriate for the type of skin

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