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  2. Coccine Heel Pad Corck And Leather Beige

Coccine Heel Pad Corck And Leather Beige

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  • Coccine Heel Pad Corck And Leather Beige
  • Coccine Heel Pad Corck And Leather Beige
Při koupi získáte 5 Kč zpět
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Výrobce: Kesi
Cena nyní
129 Kč
59 Kč, dnes ušetříte: -70 Kč
SklademU Vás do 9.5.
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These are small things that determine the quality of life and the sense of comfort. Often you really need very little to fully enjoy every step. Cocciné little things - heels, heels, brakes, belts and jellies - are a perfect example.

Made of two layers: cork and natural leather. Protects against abrasions. Particularly recommended when changing high-heeled shoes for flat shoes or having to adjust the height of the heel to the foot. It cushions pressure, additionally insulates against cold and moisture!

Paste onto a dried and degreased surface!

EAN čárové kódy zboží jsou : 1210000546494, 1210000546500

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