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  2. Coccine Forte Shine Paste for polishing leather shoes

Coccine Forte Shine Paste for polishing leather shoes

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  • Coccine Forte Shine Paste for polishing leather shoes
  • Coccine Forte Shine Paste for polishing leather shoes
  • Coccine Forte Shine Paste for polishing leather shoes
  • Coccine Forte Shine Paste for polishing leather shoes
  • Coccine Forte Shine Paste for polishing leather shoes
Při koupi získáte 9 Kč zpět
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Výrobce: Kesi
Cena nyní
209 Kč
89 Kč, dnes ušetříte: -120 Kč
SklademU Vás do 9.5.
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Shoes and objects made of grain leather (also called "smooth") have their own unique charm, resulting from natural beauty: texture, delicate "patterns" or smoothness, sharp or semi-gloss gloss. If you want them to be delighted with their appearance over the years, you should take care of them Cocciné preparations, created especially for cleaning, care and protection of footwear and objects made of grain leather.

-for grain leather
-waterproof cream for glazing
- resistant to water and weather conditions; mud, snow, sun.
- available in many colors
- 50ml capacity, enough for multiple applications!

EAN čárové kódy zboží jsou : 1210000546371, 1210000546388

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